I highly recommend theTune Up.
Did wonders for my chronic back pain.
— Rodney Hartung
Infant Massage has definitely improved my baby’s sleeping habits and digestion. We have a closer bond and share peaceful, relaxing time together!
Sharel is excelent at what she does and extremely knowledgable on the subject, very thoughtful and insightful.
After Ella’s first full body massage she slept through the night, 8 hours, at only 2 months old.
— Jill Snook
Since we have been in Sharel’s Infant Massage Class, Legend has been more interactive. We have a very strong bond with more communication thru eye contact. I have become more aware of his cues, wants and dislikes.
— Christina Pearson
My baby is more alert and aware since we’ve been attending the Infant Massage Class.
I feel that my baby and I have a closer bond as a result of this class.
I want to thank Sharel for being so patient and teaching me so well. I truly learned from the class and enjoy infant massage.
— Maha Richardson